A Cultural Sensation of
Craft Beer
Cooking with Beer
Send A Vibe
Send A Vibe
Send a vibe e-cards bring together artistic original music and incredible scenic views.
Legacy Chef
A Legacy Chef is a person who carries on in culinary excellence of handed down generational and newly created food recipes.
Theatre & Events
View videos of comedic twists on hilarious situations that could happen in social settings from your soon to be favorite libations comedians.
A visual experience of cultural recipes
cooked with amazing craft beers.
Cooking with Beer
Watch Our Video Legacy Chef Series and see why it’s not so strange to make incredible foods with crafted libations; in an atmosphere paired with entertaining vibes!

Send A Vibe E-Cards bring together artistic original music
and incredible scenic views.
Send A Vibe
When you Send A Vibe E-Card to that cared someone; you also share in supporting the featured artists and their local communities as well.
A Legacy Chef is a person who carries on in culinary excellence of handed down generational and newly created food recipes.
Legacy Chef ™
The Legacy Chef ™Apparel represents Food is Life, Heart, and Family Memories to be worn as a celebration in all what people hold dear in their family recipes; taking what seems ordinary to the extraordinary.
So fire up your Legacy Recipes and look good while you do it.
This apparel says…
I am a Legacy Chef!

High Quality HD Variety of Theatre Shows & Select Events
Theatre & Events

View videos of comedic twists on hilarious situations that could happen in social settings from your soon to be favorite libations comedians.
Beer Comedy
Our beer comedy videos bring the flair of entertainment on day to day life situations that will have you thirsting for more. All our viewers must be 21 years old to watch, hate beer, love vegan foods, and find nothing at all funny. You are most definitely in the right place. Click on “Subscribe” for validation.

Find us on instagram

How to be chosen to be featured in our Legacy Chef Video Series, an artist on Send A Vibe eCards, or a featured Taste The Craft beer “libation” comedian.
Scroll to the bottom of this page and Tap on the Keep In Touch Button for more details.
Taste the Craft is always eager to hear from you! Be sure to follow us on all our Social Media Outlets…Thank you for your valued support.
Taste The Craft Founder, Vincent Moore